Transcription refers to the process of conversion from voice (audio) or uneditable documents into written form in the same language.
All Localized provides a full range of transcription services for our entire list of serviced industries including the Legal, Life Sciences, Medical, Intellectual Property, Manufacturing, Business (meetings, seminars, conferences) and Technical industries.
All Localized render spoken content in the most reliable manner for our clients, including every word spoken and retaining as much detail as possible to attain the highest quality standards.
Transcription allows further processing of the text like translation of the transcribed text into a different language or sub-titling in the same or different language or even narration in a different language.
Providing transcriptions of an audio/video in a different language has two phases. Firstly one of our native speaking linguists watches or listens to the recording and converts the words contained in the source file into written form, the text can then be translated into the target language by one of our professional native translators.